Alumni Winner Profiles

Meet Our Winners

Micah Coleman Jones

Head of Autism at Abbots Lea School, HKF Trustee and

Festival of Learning Patron’s Award Winner 2022.

Awarded 2007

Jo Wyard

Social worker, Suffolk County Council and

Festival of Learning New Directions Award Winner 2022.

Awarded 2014

Sponsored by University Campus Suffolk

Kirsty Young

Learning Support Advisor at East Riding College and Festival of Learning Return to Learning Award 2021.

Awarded 2011

Sponsored by KPMG

Thembie Ncube

Studying Law

Awarded 2016

Sponsored by

Royal Asset Management

Vincent Atigla

Maths lecturer at Croydon College

Also Trustee for bereavement charity,

Foundation Governor &

Curriculum Governor

Awarded 2016

Sponsored by


Dr Sam Parker

Specialist Clinical Practitioner (Clinical Psychologist)

Awarded 2008

Sponsored by University of Westminister

Nicola Radford-Naylor

British Institute of Embalming Student

Awarded 2014

Sponsored by Thomas Wall Trust

Monica Sidhpura

Biomedical Scientist fo Haematology and Blood Transfusion

Awarded 2015

Christine Cadman

4th Year Medical Student

Awarded 2016

Sponsored by Royal London Asset Management